That's right! We are peeling back the curtain on our real estate journeys with land and flex space, week by week, the good, bad and ugly, as we seek to generate $250K of income + $2M of wealth while prioritizing our INNER FREEDOM and core values of PEACE, FULFILLMENT and SHOWING UP WITH OUR HEARTS WIDE OPEN.
Hi. I’m Ajit! I live in Houston, and I have been a Real Estate Investor for 8 years. I left my W-2 due to poor health in 2017, and I began my journey of self-love. In 2020, I joined a coaching program to amplify my business, which fueled my personal empowerment...the missing ingredient in my business was my authenticity. My own divorce three years ago led me back to me, further begging me to answer the question, what do you want? I wanted joy. I wanted peace. I wanted business to echo those desires. In late 2023 after saying NO to so many opportunities, I started to say YES to developing industrial flex space real estate as I finally found an asset class that aligned to this definition...and now I get to fulfill my “why,” which is to empower investors in themselves.
Hi. I’m Karishma, and I reside in North Dallas. I’ve been a passive real estate investor since the end of 2019 and a Success Coach and speaker since 2020. I have supported 120+ single family and multifamily investors to create a life and business reflecting FREEDOM at every level (more dollars, less time, and more fulfillment)!
As an investor, you want to create an impact. You want to create passive wealth, generational wealth, and leave a gift that transcends your time on this Earth. You want to create your legacy! Ajit and I are here to redefine the meaning of freedom. What if the notion of “LEGACY” was FREEDOM in every area of life – health, wealth, and relationships? I’m excited to bring my passion for sales and marketing, as well as my purpose of empowering investors to create an abundant, fulfilling life, as I merge businesses with Ajit as a RE COCONUT!